
Alexandria Health

Contact: jordan@alexandria.health


PushPrescriber is a clinical decision support tool that aids decision making during the second stage of labor. The tool prompts a medical provider to enter 2-4 patient specific observations during the second stage of labor and then provides likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth versus C-Section and the mother/child morbidity likelihood against each decision. It is constructed based on the study Pushing the bounds of second stage in term nulliparas with a predictive model: when should you abandon the ambition of spontaneous vaginal delivery? by Alexis G. Gimovsky, Jordan T. Levine, Amelie Pham, Jack Dunn, Ying Daisy Zhuo, and Alan Peaceman, submitted for publication.

Please use Chrome (available for download here) or Firefox (download here) for the tool to be working properly.


The tool as of its current version, available on this website, is for demonstration of ongoing research only. The tool is not to be used as a substitute for medical decision making, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health condition or problem. By continuing on this website, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above disclaimer.


Variant of PushPrescriber for women with prolonged second stage greater than 3 hours: